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Aðrar upplýsingar

Upplýsingar um vöru

Vörunúmer: GLER36_0_10

Einangrandi Latex hanskar
Stærð: 10
Klassi: 0 (1000V)
Lengd: 36cm

EN 60903 / IEC 60903

- Hand insulation according to class and nominal mains voltage
- To be used with a leather overglove for mechanical protection
- Natural rubber gloves beige, insulating, cut edges
- Wide range of sizes from 7 to 11, depending on the class
- Ergonomically shaped glove with lightly powdered interior for easy donning and doffing
- The natural rubber structure provides high dielectric properties; its thickness protects while ensuring excellent dexterity

Nafn eiginleika Gildi eiginleika
Tegund Háspennuhanski
Gerð GLE
Efnisgerð Latex
Litur Rauður
Lengd 360 mm
Stærð hanska 10
Klassi 0
Spennuþol 1 kV