Karfan þín er tóm


  • Reykjanesbær
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Upplýsingar um vöru

Vörunúmer: 2708232


The D-SUB series, SUBCON-PLUS-PROFIB/... was specially designed for use in PROFIBUS systems up to 12 Mbps. Under field
conditions, it allows convenient and fast connection of the incoming and outgoing bus cable. The terminating resistor is already integrated in all
versions. It can be connected externally by means of a slide switch. At the same time, the outgoing bus segment is switched off. This makes it easy
to start up segment by segment while incorrect terminations are avoided. A special feature of the 35° angled connector is that the internal
connection unit can be turned round. Whether the cable is to be inserted from the right or left can thus be decided on-site.

Nafn eiginleika Gildi eiginleika
Tegund Profibus
Gerð D-SUB
Breidd 16,6 mm
Hæð 39,4 mm
Lengd 58 mm