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Vörunúmer: 4007841056353

True Presence Multisensor KNX viðveruskyjnari

7 senses for intelligent buildings. Besides human presence, True Presence® Multisensor KNX also makes it possible to measure brightness, room temperature, humidity, air quality, volatile organic compounds (VOC) and CO2. Nothing remains hidden from the True Presence® Multisensor KNX. Result: better efficiency, better health, better safety and better comfort.

The most precise presence detector ever becomes the ultimate sensory organ. For the true detection of people, brightness, ambient temperature, humidity, air pressure, volatile organic compounds (VOC) and CO2 measurements are necessary. Information that brings the digitalisation of building automation a great deal further. This combination makes the true presence® Multisensor KNX a good investment in building intelligence, a comfortable environment for people and real efficiency. The best comes from above – precise, digital information for modern building management.

Nafn eiginleika Gildi eiginleika
Tegund vöru Viðveruskynjari
Gerð True Presence Multisensor
Rofalína KNX
Varnarflokkur IP20
Litur Hvítur
Lengd 132 mm
Breidd 123 mm
Hæð 33 mm
Byggt á vali þínu, gætir þú einnig haft áhuga á eftirfarandi vörum

Viðveruskynjari HF 360 COM1

360° viðveruskynjari
Gerð: HF 360 COM1
Varnarflokkur: IP20
Litur: Hvítur
Vörunúmer: 4007841002800
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Viðveruskynjari US 360 COM1

Áfelldur 360° viðveruskynjari
Gerð: US 360 COM1
Varnarflokkur: IP20
Litur: Hvítur

Detects without obstructions. 360° ultrasonic presence detector US 360, ideal for offices, conference rooms, store rooms and class rooms. 36 sq.m. presence detection zone, immune to obstacles, envelops objects as opposed to penetrating them, detection regardless of temperature, electronically adjustable reach, COM1 for switching light ON and OFF.

Oddly shaped architecture, partition walls or other obstacles present insurmountable difficulties to some sensors. Yet the US 360's dynamic all-round precision detection capability works with absolute reliability behind objects too. Across a radius of 6 metres all round. Even in extreme temperatures. The space-filling ultrasonic waves make it possible.
Vörunúmer: 4007841007935
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Myndavélaskynjari HPD2 IP

Áfelldur HPD2 IP optical skynjari
110° infrarauður skynjari með 10 metra drægni úr 6 metra hæð
Varnarflokkur: IP20
Litur: Hvítur
Vörunúmer: 4007841033965

Hýsing f/Multisensor viðverusk

Áfellibox fyrir True Presence Multisensor KNX og Multisensor Air KNX
Vörunúmer: 4007841063870

Viðveruskynjari HF 360 COM1 AP

Áfelldur 360° viðveruskynjari
Gerð: HF 360 COM1 AP
Varnarflokkur: IP20
Litur: Hvítur
Vörunúmer: 4007841751302